Saturday 21 February 2015

How to get your air conditioner ready for summer ?

With the increasing day length and feeling a little need to use the air condition in the night we can say that summer season is approaching. While the summer is still about to come you need to take proper precautions so that you can spend some peaceful summer nights without worrying about the long electricity bills you can get out of a poorly maintained Air conditioner.

Regular and proper maintenance will give you benefits of lower electricity bills, healthier environment,  and a well functioning A/C. With the help of proper steps you can save up to 20 percent of the energy bills. Which means you can remain cool whole summer and also pay less for that, that's like killing two birds with one stone.

Here are some steps that you should follow to get the best out of your A/C

Clean or change the filter.

This is something that you should do mandatory. A/C filters which are reusable should be properly washed and cleaned and some come with disposable filters where the old ones are replaced with the new ones. Changing of filters will be give you two things fresh air and will increase the efficiency of the A/C. Check your user manual for more details on what air filter it has or contact HVAC experts.

Clear the outdoor unit of all the debris and garbage

The outdoor unit accumulates most of the dirt and debris. Get the outdoor condenser cleaned to improve the performance of the A/C and making way for the fresh air to enter the system. Try not to use to much force and do the cleaning gently with the help of brush and water. Start the cleaning process by shutting down the power as a safety measure.

Air duct cleaning

Air duct are the air vents or windows from where you receive cold air from the air conditioner. You can clean them yourselves but you can get the help from professionals. HVAC contractors offer special duct cleaning services, where they thoroughly follow some guidelines and give you a dust free clean duct. These contractors will also repair the duct if they find some fault in them.

Seal the cracks

Repair the leaks in the windows and doors so the cold air does not leak away from your room, sealing leaks in the room will increase the amount of cooling in the room and will increase the efficiency of the air conditioner. If possible try to upgrade the insulation system of house.

Get pre-summer maintenance from professionals

Get HVAC professionals to do some tuning of your machine, they are certified and experienced to do the job and they know how to handle the system and use the right tools for the job. Many companies provide contracts on yearly basis and cover everything thing that we have discussed above. Sometimes it may happen that you can damage your system because you do not know how to handle them, so it would be better if you let the professionals handle them.

These above steps will help you to be prepared for the summer season and get your A/c prepared too. Get to know more about your system and get familiar with the important parts to communicate well with your experts.

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